Schnauzer Bumps – What is Schnauzer Comedone Syndrome?

Dog in veterinarian's officeSchnauzer bumps or Schnauzer Comedone Syndrome is a skin condition that resembles small bumps or blackheads. It is not contagious, and generally occurs only in schnauzers. There is no known cause, and the bumps generally appear along the dog's spine. Since the condition is basically limited to the breed, many researchers believe the cause could be genetic.


Mini Schnauzer Skin Bumps

Comedones or black heads are formed the same way on schnauzers as they do on humans. When the hair follicle becomes clogged with dirt and dead skins cells a hard, dark plug forms, and this is what is called a blackhead. They are generally harmless, but they can become infected, leading to abscesses forming under the dog's skin. These mini schnauzer skin bumps are normally discovered after trimming the dog's coat, or during petting when they are felt.

These skin bumps can differ greatly in size and appearance, which can lead to some confusion on the proper treatment. The important thing to remember is that many schnauzer skin conditions are the result of a comedone, and will have three important things in common.

1. The skin condition is almost always found exclusively on schnauzers, and more commonly on mini schnauzers.

2. The bumps are normally found along the spine, but can also appear on the dog's neck and head.

3. They are recurring, and there is no known way to predict an outbreak.


Treatments for Schnauzer Skin Conditions

Since it is currently thought that these bumps are genetic, there is no known treatment. If the  blackheads become infected, your vet drain and remove them, but this will only clear up the abscess. There are some treatments that are thought to prevent or even clear up the bumps, but it is important to remember that not all schnauzers will respond in the same way.

Here are some options:

1. Fish oil

Many schnauzers owners have found that adding fish oil to their dog's diet can help to cut down on the number of outbreaks. The general recommended dosage is 500 mg of fish oil for a 20 lb schnauzer.


2. Retinal A

This medication can be prescribed by a vet and used to treat miniature schnauzer bumps the same way as it does in humans. It can also dry out the dog's skin, so it is important to check for signs of dry or cracked skin.


3. Shampoos

There are a few different types of shampoos used to treat schnauzer skin conditions, but the most common ingredient is benzoyl peroxide. It works by cleaning and flushing the clogged pores. Other shampoos that have shown success as treating these bumps include ones that contain coal tar and salicylic acid.

Two common over the counter shampoos include Selsun Blue and Denorex. Because of the somewhat different nature of dog skin versus human skin, you may want to prefer a comparable product made specifically for dogs. But use whatever your veterinarian recommends. Some schnauzer owners find that Head and Shoulders works for the schnauzer bumps on their fur baby.


4.  Antibiotics

In some cases a vet may prescribe treatments involving antibiotics, but they should only be taken for a short period of time to avoid harmful side effects. If your schnauzer does need to take a course of antibiotics for this or another reason, think about adding in some probiotic supplements to restore the normal good bacteria in the gut after the course of antibiotics is done.


Additional Prevention

In some cases schnauzer skin conditions can be caused by fleas, and this should be addressed separately. Treating and preventing fleas, along with proper grooming can help to prevent schnauzer skin bumps from developing.

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Schnauzer Bumps – What is Schnauzer Comedone Syndrome?

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