ShakeTrainer — Simple and Humane Dog Training Tool to Teach a Dog to Stop Barking

BoyCoveringEarsAre you one of the many schnauzer people who is stumped on the question of "how to train a dog to stop barking"? Now there may be another tool to help with this age-old problem. This one helps you teach a dog to stop barking without physical punishment.

Ever heard of ShakeTrainer? This is a new simple and humane dog training tool that may make a big difference in getting your schnauzer's undesirable behaviors to stop. It involves training the dog to associate the unique specific tone (a non-ultrasonic) conditioning signal from the ShakeTrainer with the loss of a treat. Then you can just shake the device to activate it whenever your doggie is doing something undesirable.

For people with miniature schnauzers, the excessive barking can really be a problem.

It appears that this ShakeTrainer device enables you to train your dog not to bark excessively (or do other unwanted behaviors) quickly and without using shock collars or aversive ultrasonic sounds or sprays that stress your dog. This is an extension of the positive dog training approach that abhors painful punishments for bad behaviors.

This tool relies on psychology as old as Pavlov's classical conditioning. His dogs originally learned to salivate when he rang a bell, once he associated food with the sound of the bell. After that, the dogs would salivate whenever they heard that specific bell ring, even if they did not get food. In reverse, what the ShakeTrainer seems to do is teach your dog to learn that doing a bad behavior produces a sound that you teach them to associate with loss of food (the treat). It is not any type of direct physical punishment.

Yes, the principle of the device would depend on conditioning the dog to associate the sound (best recognized by your dog in association with loss of treat when doing the specific behavior) with something negative -- but it is with the loss of a treat,  not physical or auditory pain. This is a great advance over physical punishment methods with shock collars or aversive sprays or painful sounds to stop dogs barking at undesirable times.

Sure, you could just use a specific tone of voice, but that is harder to do consistently each time. And in general, your pup likes your voice because he or she loves you. This strategy separates the sound of a lost treat from your voice and is a specific consistent unique tone for them every time.

You can learn more about it in the video below.

Since the manufacturer seems to stand behind their training tool with a no-hassle money-back guarantee, this is well worth a try with your schnauzer. We love our dogs - this may be a valuable addition to the tricks we have up our sleeves to change unwanted behaviors in our schnauzers (who are, after all, smarter than your neighbor's honor student in the first place).

Check out ShakeTrainer now

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ShakeTrainer — Simple and Humane Dog Training Tool to Teach a Dog to Stop Barking

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